Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29 - Day 17

LIFT - 2x5
225x5; 225x5

Hammer Chins
6; 6 

215x5; 215x5 

12; 12 

DB Swings 

-Lower back is still tender from Monday set.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 27 - Day 15

LIFT 2x5
165x5; 165x5

225x5; 225x5

Chins supersetted w/ Dips
5; 5
12; 12

DB Swing

1 Arm Overhead DB Walk
Left 35lb x 50 yards; right 35lb x 50 yards

-Lower back hasn't been this smoked in a looooong time.  My entire backside from ass to traps was mush.  Its been a while since I went heavy on deads.  I've forgotten how one set can basically destroy your entire body.  It also reminded me why rounding your back is bad.  Good thing I have a kick-ass gf that is willing to deep tissue massage my entire back.

-Back to the standard 40 day program.

September 26, Lift at iFast

365x1; 405x1; 455x1; 495x5

Safety Squat Bar

Glute Ham Raise
5; 2

Thick Bar Pullups - 6

Hammer Chins - 8

Farmers walks (no idea how much the bars weighed or how far I went)
60 yards; 60 yards

-Lifted at iFast in Indianapolis yesterday.  It is definitely a cool gym with all of the fun equipment.  Everyone there was incredibly inviting and down to earth.

-My lower back rounded more than I like on the last two reps of the 495 set.  It  is crazy sore today.  I probably should have stopped the set at 3, but I was all hyped up from the new environment.  After reviewing the video however, I'm very pleased with the bar speed.  It looks like those reps aren't overly taxing, though I certainly didn't feel that way during the set.  I definitely attribute the bar speed to all of the rep work I'm getting with the 40 day Dan John Program.

-Obviously this is a huge deviation from the 40 day program, but I wanted to have fun at iFast.  I'm getting back to a normal schedule tonight.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20. Day 9 - 10 Tonic Reps



5; 5
10; 10

-Felt smoked after yesterday. Took it easy and gave my body a break.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19. Day 8. Six Singles

Modified GABE Warm-up.  See here
 Thanks Gabe.  I think a better warm-up tonight paid off and resulted in a solid session.

315x1; 335x1; 365x1; 405x1; 425x1; 455x1

DB Swings

185x1; 205x1; 225x1; 255x1; 275x1

Chins supersetted w/ Dips
5; 5
10; 10

Farmers Walks
105 per hand x 4 0yds; 105 per hand x 40 yds

Ab Wheel 

-Felt loooooose and warm after doing the Gabe/iFast warm-up and mobility work.

-I did everything by feel as the program described, and ended up at 455 for deads and 275 for bench.  I didn't realize until now I only did 5 reps on bench.  455 didn't feel light, but it didn't really feel heavy either.  This program is cool.

V-Diet Update

I wanted to keep more detailed daily notes, but I only have so much time for blogging.  Here is a quick week 1 recap:

Starting Day 8, I'm down 6.4 pounds, and have lost approximately .5 inches on my waist.

As expected, day 2 and 3 were the hardest.  Extreme hunger hit me day 2, and the mental games hit me hard day 3.

I was "off" the diet for about 24 hours from day 4 to day 5.  Long story short, I had an interview across country.  I had severe brain fog the day before trying to prepare.  Long term employment is obviously more important than a 30 day diet, so I decided to get a small cup of chili so I could think clearly.  Later that night, I also got a huge salad (fat free dressing, and absolutely no crap, just tons of veges).  I didn't want to go into the interviews the next day with awful protein farts, so I laid off the protein.  The next morning in the airport I got an egg white flat bread, and for lunch at the interview I had another huge amazing salad.  I counted this as my healthy solid meal for the week.  Post interview in the airport I had I large Oktoberfest beer, and on the plane I ordered a bourbon.  Overall, I really don't think my caloric intake was much different than what I consume on the vdiet.

Other than that, the diet has been clean.  I'm pretty well adjusted to the feeling of absolute emptiness in my stomach 95% of the day.  I already feel like completing this diet is well within my reach.

I will say right now - I offer no apologies (to whoever I should feel sorry to in the first place) about detouring off this diet at times.  I'm not going to let this detrimentally impact my school/career when I've put so much into it.  I already know I will again do the "24 hour" break this thursday night - Friday for another interview.  Oh well.  I'm losing weight fast and looking better everyday.

Here are my measurements for this morning, day 8.  Right hand column is the change from last Monday.  There is going to be a little user error obviously with the tape measure.  I have no idea how I "lost" an inch on my right ankle, and "gained" 1/4 inch on my left ankle.  I may just stop measuring my ankles.  What really baffles me is why Chris Shugart thinks its important to measure your fucking ankles in the first place.

Weight 245.4 -6.4
Neck:   15.5 -1.125
Shoulders: 52.25 +0.25
Chest Upper:  45.5 +1.5
Chest Lower:   44.75 -1.5
Waist- Navel:  39.5 -0.5
Waist: Largest:  40.5 -0.5
Hips: 45.5 -0.75
Upper Arm Right: 15.5 -0.5
Upper Arm Left:  15 -0.375
Upper Leg Right:  29 -0.125
Upper Leg Left:  28.25 -0.125
Lower Leg Right:  16 -0.125
Lower Leg Left  15 3/8 -0.125
Ankle Right:  9.25 -1.125
Ankle Left:  10 +0.25

Sunday, September 18 - Day 7

325x5; 325x5 (+10 pounds)

Front Squat 
135x6 (+1 rep)

190x5; 190x5 (+ 5 lbs)

5; 5 (+1 per set)

-Slightly bumped up my "setpoint" weight for deadlift/bench.  Ran out of time to do more.  Lower back still feels slightly fatigued, but my reps are very smooth with good speed.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15th - Day 4

5-3-2 Day

315x5; 345x3; 375x2

Front Squat

185x5; 205x3; 235x2; 255x2

Pullups supersetted w/ Dips
4; 4
8; 8

DB Swings

Farmers Walks (lbs per hand x yards)

Workout time including warmups: 40 minutes

-I wasn't sure what weight to use for 5-3-2 day, so I planned on working up to a ~70% double.  This weight seemed about right.  My bar speed is already flying, albeit at light weights.  Lower back is tender from volume, but I suspect it will get strong fast.
-Next week I'll bump everything up a few pounds.  I'm quickly seeing that there is absolutely no reason to push it at all when you perform the lifts everyday.  55-60% feels about right, and I get the feeling it is working.  I guess we'll see soon enough.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14 - Day 3

275x5; 275x5

185x5; 185x5

-Diet was psychologically challenging today.  I was very close to not going in... but, I self-talked myself into just doing a few repetitions.  I accomplished that, so I am happy. I dropped the deadlift weight because my lower back is definitely protesting the daily volume, even though the load is so light.

- I think this is going to be an awesome program for bench.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13 - Day 2

315x5; 315x5 (belt)

Front Squat

185x5; 185x5 (paused)

Chins supersetted w/ Dips
4; 4
8; 8

DB Swings

Farmers Walks (lbs x yards carried)
80/80x35; 80/80x80; 80/80x35

-Wow... farmers walks.  I'm looking forward to working on these.  When I let go of the weights I felt like I was floating

-First time doing front squats in forever.  Felt my abs working.  The one set was not "easy" lol.  I don't intend to get very heavy with these during the program.  I'd really just like to maintain a deep, upright squat position and also work on my wrist flexibility.

Monday, September 12 - Day 1

*I am going to list everything I did from the time I entered the gym for this entry.  Subsequent entries will only include the worksets.

Static Stretching - Hip/Couch Stretch; Lying Psoas Stretch; Lat Stretch w/ Band
Dynamic Movements - Shoulder Dislocations x10; Fire Hydrants x10; Low BW Box Squat x15
Glute Activiation - Glute Bridge x10

Goblet Squats - 35x15

135x8; 225x3
315x5; 315x5

Barx20; 135x10; 185x3
205x5; 205x5 (pinky on power rings)

Pullup supersetted w/ Dips
4; 4
8; 8

DB Swing

-Deadlifts felt like speed lifts even though my hamstrings were sore.  Thats alright.  I'd rather start really light on this program.

-I'm worried about my forearms and elbow/shoulder joints from the daily pullups/dips.  So I am going to start really light and greeeease the grooooove.

-I'll likely be using these weights or something similar for all my 2x5 workouts.

Training the Next 40 Days

The 40 Day Program

Dan John is the man.  His programs are kick-ass, and they work. He really emphasizes training simplicity.  Lately, I've become obsessed with simple training.  Why?  Its much easier to gauge progress when you only have to track a few different lifts.  Also, its much easier to get better at a lift (i.e. stronger) when you perform the lift frequently.  If you have a suck-ass workout, no worries, you'll have another shot in 2-3 days.

The 40 day program is simple.  Pick 5 exercises, and perform them 5x a week for 40 days.  Sets are 2x5 for all exercises.  Load is dependent upon how you feel that day.  Sounds pretty straight forward to me.  Recently, Dan John expounded on his 40 day program in this thread.  He explains the program has evolved to include varying rep ranges, though 2x5 is still the bread and butter of the routine.  DJ breaks the rep scheme down as follows:
  • Two sets of Five (60% of workout days): it should be easy and be like your second or third warm up lift in a typical workout. The idea, the “secret,” is to get THIS workout to feel easier and easier!
  • Five-Three-Two (20% of workout days): Five reps with your 2 x 5 weight, add weight for three, then a solid double. Make the Double!!!
  • Six Singles (10% of workout days): I don’t care how you do this, but add weight each set. No misses!
  • One set of ten (10% of workout days): the day after six singles, very light load for ten easy “tonic” reps.
So a 10 day training period might look like this:
Mon - 2x5
Tues - 2x5
Weds - 2x5
Thurs - 5-3-2
Fri - 2x5

Mon - 2x5
Tues - 5-3-2
Weds - 2x5
Thurs - 6 singles
Fri - 1x10

There are a ton of choices for exercise selection, but I did the following based on my own needs and goals.  I understand this isn't exactly what DJ prescribes, but its close enough.  Deadlift and bench are the most important, and I have an explosive lower body movement.
Deadlift - 2x5
Bench - 2x5
Pullups supersetted w/ Dips - BW only for 2x5 days, will add weight on heavy days
DB Swing - 1x20

Why the V-Diet and the 40 Day Program?
As stated above, I love simple.  I can think of few scenarios where diet and training are simpler than eating the same thing for every meal, and performing the same routine every workout.  I'm expecting to maintain or gain strength on the main lifts.  I trust Dan John over Chris Shugart with regards to maintaining strength.  I may sacrifice 2-3 pounds of bodyfat by not doing the ridiculous routine outlined in the V-Diet.  For instance, the advanced template has you performing 25 reps total for the Front Squat, Bench, Chin-up, Push-press, using a load of 4-5rm and 30 second rest periods.  The only load possible using the heaviest of compounds and 30 second rest periods is going to be comically light.  Sounds like a formula for strength and muscle to plummet.  No thanks.

Plus, now have a legit reason to stop squatting for 40 days.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dieting the The Next 40 Days

 The V-Diet
I've decided to embark upon an extreme cut.  I'm tired of dicking around and half-assing diets.  I'm tired of looking jacked in some shirts, and sloppy in others.  I'm tired of having a gut. So, its time to take action and do something about it.

I believe the fastest way to lose fat while maintaining lean body mass is a protein sparing modified fast ("PSMF").  I've used a PSMF twice before.  The first time I used the V-Diet.  I was completely strict for 28 days.  My final weight loss was 16 pounds, and I really believe most of it was fat (I hit a 315x3 bench pr during week 3).  The first few days of the V-Diet challenged my will power like nothing else I had experienced in my life.  After day 4, I was amazed at how quickly I adapted to an all liquid diet.  I eventually got used to the perpetual empty feeling in my stomach as well.

The second PSMF I tried was Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat-Loss Diet ("RFL").  I only lasted about 2 1/2 weeks with this one.  I lost about 9 pounds, most of which was fat.  The Rapid Fat-Loss diet was definitely more challenging than the V-Diet.  Ultimately I believe I "failed" the RFL because I was left with too much choice.  It is extremely difficult to only eat 1400 calories in whole food day after day. The food options are mundane.  Egg whites, chicken, 96% lean beef, broccoli, greens, fat-free cheese.  Doesn't sound too bad until you realize you can add nothing to these food choices.  Nothing.  This is a high protein, extreme low carb, extreme low fat diet.  Just saying that pisses me off.

I believe the V-Diet is superior to the RFL in a few ways.  First, all choice is taken out of the equation. These diets create extreme caloric deficits (1200-2000 per day depending on activity level).  You are going to be hungry no matter what.  With RFL, you must constantly challenge your portion control.  You must also constantly challenge yourself not to add a little dressing or other tasty add-ons at every meal.  The V-Diet leaves you no choice.  What should I have for dinner today?  Chocolate, or strawberry whey protein?  Maybe I'll get a little crazy and do a scoop of both.

Second, the V-Diet changes the way you look at food.  You conquer food.  Food no longer controls you in anyway because you don't eat anymore.  Before the V-Diet, I basically only ate green beans, corn, and lettuce for my vegetables.  After the V-Diet, there isn't a vegetable I won't try.  I pretty much like all edible plants.  When your body is starved of nutrients, something in your brain is rewired to crave anything that is green.

Finally, the V-Diet is "simple" and "easy."  Simple because you just drink protein shakes all day.  Easy because drinking a protein shake involves zero preparation.  The V-diet is the preferrable PSMF for those on the go.  You have more time for other areas of your life when you don't waste any time cooking (like writing blog posts).

I'm not going to get into the downsides of PSMF's.  You are constantly hungry and generally irritable the first few days of the diet.  Yes, there are certainly less extreme ways to lose fat.  However, nothing is as fast as a true PSMF.  This time around I'm going to pay more attention to the two week transition phase after the initial 28 days. Part of the reason I'm posting all of this is to create accountability.  The more people I tell about this crazy extreme diet, the more steadfast my resolve will be to see the diet through.

Starting Measurements:

Weight:  251.8
Neck:  16 5/8
Shoulders: 52
Chest Upper: 44
Chest Lower:  46 ¼
Waist- Navel: 40
Waist: Largest: 41
Hips: 46 1/4
Upper Arm Right: 16
Upper Arm Left: 15 3/8
Upper Leg Right: 29 1/8
Upper Leg Left: 28 3/8
Lower Leg Right: 16 1/8
Lower Leg Left 15 1/2
Ankle Right: 10 3/8
Ankle Left: 9 1/4

I took pictures, but I won't be posting them until the diet is complete.

Sunday, September 11 - Squat

315x3; 355x3; 395x3

Leg Press
270x10; 270x10; 270x10

Romanian Deadlift
135x8; 135x8; 135x8

Decline Abs supersetted w/ Calf Raises
15; 15; 15
180x15; 180x15; 180x15

Workout time:  40 minutes

-Kept the assistance work very light because...I never do lower body assistance work.  Felt good to get a little pump going.

-Been working on mobility thanks to some good tips from Gabe.  I forgot to take a vid, but I "felt" lower.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7th - Deadlift

Deadlift supersetted w/ Dips
365x8; 405x12
12; 16

Standing MP supersetted w/ Chins
135x8; 135x8
8; 8 

Workout time: 16 minutes

-Shit was intense.  Didn't have time to go home, so I worked out without shoes on, in dress socks, running shorts, and an old golf shirt I found in the truck of my car.  Short rest between sets, probably about ~60 seconds.  Heart stayed thumping for a long time post workout.

-Pretty sure most of the gym thinks I have turrets  based on my clothing and the amount of swearing and banging going on during deadlifts.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Upper Body Training

225x5; 245x5; 245x5; 275x4; then dropset 185x12; 135x10  (all performed with pinky's on power ring)

DB Row
115x12/12; 115x10/10

OH DB Extension
supersetted w/ DB Curls supersetted w/ DB Rear Lateral
80x12; 90x10; 100x10
40x8; 30x15; 40x8
12.5x10; 12.5x10; 12.5x8

Workout Time: 30 Mins

-Energy and intensity was crazy tonight.  Fuck it, I'm gonna get a fanny pack and start bodybuilding.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Full Body

365x1; 365x1; 405x1; 420x5 (vid)

Standing MP
135x5; 135x8; 155x5

Hammer Chins supersetted w/ Dips
8; 10
12; 16 (vid)

-My hips are too tight to break parallel.  I really can't get any lower with my current flexibility.  With that said, my squats are still a legit lift overall, imo.  When I look at the actual bar path, the bar is moving a long distance...its just when I get pretty low, I start going forward instead of down.  Anyways, mobility is something I need to continue to work on.  I could give a shit about getting ass to grass, just need to get 3 green lights... which I've done with over 500 pounds, so I'm not too worried about this.

-You can see my full range of motion on the chins by looking at the back mirror.